Two Words That Should Never Go Together

Boots On The Ground; bringing the vital resources needed, directly, to every Homeless Veteran on the streets of the city...food, blankets, water, clothing, shoes, socks & tents are essential for surviving the elements all year round.
More importantly is connecting Homeless Veterans directly to all of the available resources to get them off of the streets into a home and on a path to a life with meaning, self-worth and pride.
We are driven to create a greater awareness of all the needs of Homeless Veterans, Veterans, & transitioning Military personnel and their families as they return to civilian life.
Focusing on helping each Veteran get their individual needs met, insuring a greater and lasting impact.

Once Homeless US Army
Combat Veteran - Carlos D.
2/24/2025 "One Year Update"
This Veteran has been housed in the south suburbs of Chicago with his Service Dog; Riley. It was a very long road and they both got through it with the support of donors & Veteran organizations.
You were not alone out there!!!

Homeless Veterans In
America Relief Foundation
P.O. Box 31821
Chicago, IL 60631
Call or Text